About Us

Pro Bono

Commitment to pro bono work has been a core value of Efrati Galili Ben-Hur Tsuk & Co., since our founding.

Over the years, we’ve helped individuals and nonprofit organizations in need, changing lives while making legal history.

Our pro bono work also provides a meaningful way for our lawyers to develop and strengthen their legal skills.

All of our lawyers are encouraged to work on a broad variety of projects that appeal to their unique interests, and our firm provides them with the time to do so, instructing them to provide the pro bono clients with the same top tier representation we offer our paying clients.

Our pro bono practice includes innovative projects that encourage the creative and dynamic lawyering that has become a symbol of our work for corporate clients.

Efrati Galili Ben-Hur Tsuk & Co. is committed to providing impactful pro bono legal assistance to individuals and organizations in need, and to supporting other public interest matters.